Compositeurs Musiciens Histoire des Noirs Audio À propos du site Web Liens
Adams, H. Leslie Akpabot, Samuel Ekpe Alberga, Eleanor Bonds, Margaret Allison Brouwer, Leo Burleigh, Henry Thacker Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel Cunningham, Arthur Dawson, William Levi Dédé, Edmund Dett, R. Nathaniel Elie, Justin Ellington, Edward K. "Duke" Euba, Akin Garcia, José Mauricio Nunes Hailstork, Adolphus C. Holland, Justin Jeanty, Occide Johnson, James P Joplin, Scott Kay, Ulysses Simpson Khumalo, J.S. Mzilikazi Lambert, Sr., Charles Lucièn Lambert, Jr. Lucièn-Léon G. Lamothe, Ludovic Leon, Tania Moerane, Michael Mosoeu Perkinson, Coleridge-Taylor Pradel, Alain Pierre Price, Florence Beatrice Racine, Julio Roldan, Amadeo Saint-Georges, Le Chevalier de Sancho, Ignatius Smith, Hale Smith, Irene Britton Sowande, Fela Still, William Grant Walker, George Theophilus White, José Silvestre Williams, Julius P.
Livre d'or
William J. Zick, Webmestre

Delos 3449 (2013)

Albany Records Troy1430

« George Walker : Chamber Music and
Songs »
Naxos 8.559659 (2010)

« Lilacs: The Music of George Walker »
Arizona State University Symphony
Summit 274 (2000)

« George Walker: Orchestral Works
Cleveland Chamber Symphony
Direction : Edwin London
Albany Records 270 (1998)
Accueil ->
Compositeurs -> Walker, George
audio :
1 Sony DSO-1111 (2002) ; « Detroit Symphony
Orchestra: Black Composers Series » ; Natalie
Hinderas, piano ; Detroit Symphony Orchestra ;
Direction : Paul Freeman
Concerto pour
2 Cedille 90000
061 (2001) ; « African Heritage
Symphonic Series, Vol. II » ;
Sinfonietta ; Direction : Paul Freeman
Lyric for Strings
1 Articles
Des articles sur George Walker sont disponibles à
la Library of Congress et plus d’une douzaine de publications
incluant Fanfare, Musical Quarterly, New Music Connoisseur, The
New York Times and The Washington Post.
2 Parents
Dominique-René de Lerma, Professeur de
Musique à Lawrence University à Appleton, Wisconsin, a travaillé
sur la thématique de l’héritage africain dans le domaine de la
musique classique ces quarante dernières années. Il a
gracieusement communiqué ses recherches sur George Walker sur
son site Web:
Le père de George Walker est né à Kingston, Jamaïque. Il était
médecin et a immigré aux Etats-Unis. Il a obtenu son diplôme à
Temple University Medical School à Philadelphie. La mère de
Walker s’appelait Rosa King, native de Washington, D.C.
3 Naissance
George Theophilus Walker est né à Washington, D.C. le 27 juin
1922. Dès l’âge de 5 ans, il commence à étudier le piano avec sa
mère d’après ce que l’on sait. Le site web de Walker nous
apprend que son premier professeur est Miss Mary L. Henry. Mrs.
Lillian Mitchell Allen, docteur en musicologie, devint son
deuxième professeur.
4 Ses
débuts comme pianiste
Son site Web mentionne qu’à l’âge de
14 ans, Walker fait sa première apparition en public au piano à
Howard University, et le Professeur De Lerma ajoute qu’il a
terminé ses études secondaires à Dunbar High School. Il a étudié
la musique au Junior Department de Musique de Howard University.
5 Oberlin
Le Professeur De Lerma parle des
études de Walker à Oberlin College: Une bourse a permis à Walker
de s’inscrire à Oberlin college à l’âge de 15 ans en 1937. David
Moyer fut son professeur de piano et Arthur Poister lui enseigna
l’orgue. Walker avait 18 ans quand il obtint son diplôme de BM
(Bachelor in music) reçu major de sa classe en 1941 avec
6 Curtis
Le Professeur De Lerma mentionne aussi que Walker a poursuivi
ses études au Curtis Institute :
Au Curtis Institute of Music, il étudia le piano avec Rudolf
Serkin et Mieczyslaw Horszowski et la musique de chambre avec
William Primrose et Gregor Piatigorsky.
Sur son site Web, nous apprenons que Walker a étudié aussi la
composition à Curtis avec Rosario Scalero. Son Web site
mentionne aussi qu’il termina ses études à Curtis Institute
avec des diplômes en piano et composition en 1945, devenant le
premier diplômé noir de cette célèbre école de musique.
7 Auditions de jeunesse
L’année de l’obtention de son diplôme à Curtis, Walker a
remporté le prix des jeunes talents à Philadelphie et le
professeur De Lerma écrit à ce sujet :
C’est en 1945 qu’il a remporté le Prix Youth Auditions ( Prix
des Jeunes Talents) à Philadelphie. Il donna son premier récital
de piano et fit ses débuts de concertiste à Town Hall in 1945
comme pianiste avec le troisième concerto de Rachmaninoff avec
l’orchestre de Philadelphie dirigé par Eugene Ormandy.
Le jeune pianiste a fait ensuite une tournée à travers l’es
Etats-Unis et l’Europe.
8 Etudes en France
Les chercheurs mentionnent que les musiciens avec qui Walker a
étudié en France et qui comprennent l’illustre Nadia Boulanger :
Durant son séjour en France, il étudia avec Robert Casadesus, et
fut l’un des rares étudiants particuliers de Nadia Boulanger à
l’American Academy, qu’il fréquenta en tant que pianiste pour la
première fois au cours de l’été de 1947
9 Eastman School
Dominique-René de Lerma mentionne que Walker a obtenu un D.M.A.
de la Eastman School of Music :
Il a donc obtenu ce titre de Doctor of Musical Arts Degree ainsi
que the Artist Diploma in 1956 de la Eastman School of Music,
institution qui l’a reconnu en 1961 comme l’un de ses anciens
élèves les plus distingués.
10 Bourse Fulbright
George Walker a rappelé les circonstances de son séjour d’étude
à Paris en 1957 et 1958 : J’ai étudié la composition avec Nadia
Boulanger à Paris avec une bourse Fulbright en 1957. J’ai
ensuite obtenue une bourse pour étudier à L’American Academy à
Fontainebleau en 1958.
11 Professeur
Les postes universitaires occupés par George Walter sont cités
par le Professeur De Lerma.
Parmi ses premiers postes d’enseignant, citons Dillard
University, the Dalcroze School of Music, the New School for
Social Research, Smith College, and the University of
Colorado-Boulder. Ultérieurement, il enseigna au Peabody
Conservatory of Music, à l’University of Delaware et en 1969 fit
partie de la Faculté de Rutgers University-Newark où il fut Chef
du Département et nommé Distinguished Professor in 1976. Walker
reçut une deuxième bourse Guggenheim dans les années 1970. Il
prit sa retraite en 1992.
12 Honneurs
Les biographes mentionnent un certain nombre de bourses,
subventions et distinctions décernées à Walker :
Après avoir obtenu son diplôme de Eastman en 1957 (D.M.A.), il a
bénéficié d’une bourse Fulbright, d’une aide financière de la
John Hay Whitney Fund l’année suivante, une bourse de la Bok
Foundation l’aida lors de sa tournée européenne de concerts en
1963. Il reçut le prix Rhea A. Soslund Chamber Music Award en
1967. Il a obtenu un prix Guggenheim en 1969 et a résidé à la
MacDowell Colony en été de 1966 à 1969. Il a obtenu plusieurs
prix en 1971 et en 1974 et des bourses de la National Endowment
for the Arts en 1972 et 1974, avec un prix de la Hans Kindler
Foundation in 1975. En 1996 il est devenu le premier Noir à
obtenir le Prix Pulitzer. Il a également obtenu des subventions
de la American Music League and de la Bennington Composers
13 Le Prix Pulitzer
George Theophilus Walker a remporté le Prix Pulitzer de la
musique en 1996. Le Professeur De Lerma mentionne cette
distinction dans un article de synthèse de l’Africana
Encyclopedia :
En 1996, vers la fin de sa longue carrière, il devint le premier
Afro-Américain à avori remporté le Prix Pulitzer Prize de
musique, pour Lilacs, une pièce pour voix et orchestre.
14 Cours
George Theophilus Walker a remporté le Prix Pulitzer de la
musique en 1996. Le Professeur De Lerma mentionne cette
distinction dans un article de synthèse de l’Africana
Encyclopedia :
En 1996, vers la fin de sa longue carrière, il devint le premier
Afro-Américain à avori remporté le Prix Pulitzer Prize de
musique, pour Lilacs, une pièce pour voix et orchestre.
15 Publications
Autre question qui amena une réponse éclairée sur l’importance
de l’édition pour que les œuvres de Walker soient reconnues.
Bruce Duffie lui avait demandé : - « A l’approche de votre 65e
anniversaire, y a-t-il quelque chose qui vous a particulièrement
surpris à propos de votre musique ou de la musique en général ? »
Je ne puis parler de surprise. Tout au long de ma vie j’ai senti
que je pourrais être en harmonie avec le monde. Il est clair que
pendant longtemps je ne l’ai pas été. J’ai été en avance sur mon
temps pendant longtemps en tant que pianiste quand les
organisateurs de concerts ne voulaient pas accueillir un
pianiste noir. Pendant longtemps, j’ai écrit de la musique qui
n’était jouée par personne à l’exception de quelques interprètes
mais je me suis efforcé de faire publier mes œuvres, sans nul
succès au départ et puis j’ai réussi un tant soit peu et tout à
coup j’ai rencontré Paul Kapp, un homme très remarquable qui est
mort il y a quelques années. Il a publié l’ensemble de ma
musique parce qu’il croyait en moi. Je lui dois une énorme
gratitude parce que sans ces publications, ma musique aurait été
très peu jouée. Il croyait fermement que c’était important et
que cela devrait être largement souligné. L’édition de ma
musique m’a fourni un socle pour tenter de mieux faire connaître
ma musique.
16 Partitions
A l’exception de deux anthologies, Walker dit que toute sa
musique a été publiée plus récemment par MMB Music à St. Louis,
Missouri. Les titres de la musique de concert de cette
entreprise ont été choisis par Lauren Keiser Music Publishing
17 Œuvres
Prof. Dominique-René de Lerma
[Note de Webmestre : Les noms d'anciens éditeurs ont été mis entre crochets.]
O’Neal, Barry, ed. American art songs; a collection of 20th
century songs by American composers from Charles Ives to Elliott
LP: Silver Crest MOR-111977 (Morgan State University Choir;
Nathan Carter, conductor) 1977.
A babe is born, for SATB (1976). [Dobbs
Ferry: General Music Publishing Co., 1979 (#1104ch). 7p.]
Text: "Medieval text" in English and Latin. Commission:
Nathan Carter. Duration: 3:15. Première: 1976/XII/12; Baltimore,
Lyric Theater; Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter,
AT: Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor.
LP: Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor.
Silver Crest MOR-111977 (1977).
A red, red rose, for low voice & piano (1971). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1975.] Text: Robert Burns.
Duration: 3:48.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S814008; #702). 6p.
----- Melville: Edward B. Marks, 1977 (Anthology of art songs
by Black American composers, ed. by Willis Patterson,
CD: Odikhiren Amaize, bass-baritone; David Korevaar, piano.
Musicians’ Showcase MS 1011 (2000; The Negro speaks of rivers;
art songs by African-American composers).
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Laura English-Robinson, soprano, with piano. University of
Michigan SM-0015 (1980; Art songs by Black American composers).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
Address for orchestra (1959; rev. 1995).
[New York: MCA Music, 1970 (#16714-044). 108p.] 1.
Poco adagio – allegro; 2. Molto adagio; 3. Passacaglia.
Instrumentation: 3332, p Eh bcl cbsn, 4221, timp, perc, harp,
strings. Dedication: "To my parents." Duration: 19:00.
Premiere (outer movements): 1968; New York, Lincoln Center;
Symphony of the New World; Benjamin Steinberg, conductor; (complete
work): 1971; Belgium; Mons Festival. Library: Library of
Congress (LC 72-259901).
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (X077010).
----- 1. Poco adagio – allegro.
AT: Symphony of the New World; Benjamin Steinberg, conductor
----- 3. Passacaglia.
AT: Symphony of the New World; Benjamin Steinberg, conductor
LP: Oakland Youth Orchestra; Robert Hughes, conductor. Desto DC-1701 (1971, The Black composer in America).
An Eastman overture, for orchestra (1983). Saint
Louis: MMB Music (X077011). Première: 1983/I/15;
Washington; Kennedy Center. Duration: 8:04.
CD: Eastman Philharmonia; David Efron, conductor. Albany TROY
136 (1994, George Walker, a portrait).
CD: Eastman Philharmonia; David Efron, conductor. Mercury
289-411 031-1 (1983).
LP: Eastman Philharmonia; David Efron, conductor. Mercury
Antiphonys, for chamber orchestra (1968).
[New York: General Music Publishing Co. 47p. & 16 parts.]
Instrumentation: 1111, 1110, perc, celesta, 4221.
Première: Bennington College Chamber Orchestra; E. Guigi,
conductor. Duration: 6:15.
AC: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor.
RCA Red Seal 60234-4-RC.
AT: Bennington College Chamber Orchestra; E. Guigi, coductor.
CD: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor.
Albany TROY 136 (1994, George Walker, a portrait.
CD: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor. Mastersound DFCD 1-015 (1991, Orchestral showpieces from
around the world).
CD: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor.
RCA Red Seal; 60234-2-RC.
LP: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor. Serenus SRS-12081.
----- for string orchestra (1968). [New York: General
Music Publishing Co. 30p.] Duration: 5:00.
Première: 1968; University of Massachusetts; New England Chamber
Festival Orchestra; Paul Olefsky, conductor.
Bauble, for piano (1981). [Dobbs Ferry: General
Music Publishing Co., 1981. 6p.]
Caprice, piano. see also: Prelude, piano.
CD: George Walker, piano. CRI CD 719 (1997, The music of
George Walker).
Cantata (1982). 1. Psalm 23; 2. Psalm 24
[four verses]. Duration: 12:40.
CD: Joyce Matthis, soprano; Walter Turnbull, tenor; Boys Choir
of Harlem; Orchestra of St. Luke’s; Warren G. Wilson, conductor.
Albany TROY 136 (1994, George Walker, a portrait).
CD: Joyce Matthis, soprano; Walter Turnbull, tenor; Boys Choir
of Harlem; Orchestra of St. Luke’s; Warren G. Wilson, conductor.
Timeless CDTC-150.
Concerto, piano (1975). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1976. 122p.] q = 72; q = 63;
q = 120. Instrumentation: 2222, p bcl cbs, 4321, timp, perc,
harp, strings. Commission: Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the
National Endowment for the Arts. Première: 1975; Natanile
Hinderas, piano; Minnesota Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor.
Duration: 23:16.
AC: Natalie Hinderas, piano; Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor(1976).
AC: Natalie Hinderas, piano; New York Philharmonic; Paul Freeman,
conductor (1977).
AT: Natalie Hinderas, piano; Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor (1976/II).
AT: Natalie Hinderas, piano; Minnesota Orchestra; Paul Freeman,
conductor (1975).
AT: Natalie Hinderas, piano; New York Philharmonic; Paul Freeman,
conductor (1977/VIII/31).
CD: Natalie Hinderas, piano; Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor. Royce Music 1111 (2002; Black composers
CD: Natalie Hinderas, piano; Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor (1974). Sony Music DSO 1111(2002; Black
composers series).
LP: Natalie Hinderas, piano; Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor. Columbia M-34556 (1975, Black composers
series). Liner notes: Dominique-René de Lerma.
LP: Natalie Hinderas, piano; Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor. CBS Special Products P9-19424 (Black
composers series).
Concerto, trombone (1957). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co. 82p.] 1. Allegro; 2.
Grave; 3. Allegro. Duration: 16:00.
Instrumentation: 2222 p cbsn, 4221, timp, perc, celesta, harp,
strings. Première: 1957; Porter Poindexter, trombone;
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra; Howard Hanson, conductor.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S231001.
AT: Porter Poindexter, trombone; Rochester Philharmonic
Orchestra; Howard Hanson, conductor (1957).
CD: Christian Lindberg, trombone; Malmö Symphony Orchestra;
James DePreist, conductor. Bis SCD 011 (1993, American
trombone concertos).
CD: Christian Lindberg, trombone; Malmö Symphony Orchestra;
James DePreist, conductor. Bis CD 628 (American trombone
LP: Denis Wick, trombone; London Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor. CBS Special Products P9-19424 (Black
composers series).
LP: Denis Wick, trombone; London Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor. Columbia M-32783 (Black composers
series, 1974).
----- for trombone & piano. [Hastings-on-Hudson: General
Music Publishing Co., 1976.]
Concerto, violin. Duration: 17:00.
Concerto, violoncello (1981).
Première: 1982/I/14; New York, Avery Fisher Hall; Lorne Monroe,
cello; New York Philharmonic; Zubin Mehta, conductor. Duration:
AT: Lorne Monroe, cello; New York Philharmonic; Zubin Mehta,
conductor (1982).
Dialogus, for violoncello & orchestra (1976).
Commission: Cleveland Orchestra. Première: 1976/IV/22;
Cleveland, Severance Hall; Steven Gaber, cello; Cleveland
Orchestra; Lorin Maazel, conductor. Duration: 13:00.
AT: Steven Gaber, cello; Cleveland Orchestra; Lorin Maazel,
conductor (1976).
Elevation, for organ (1963).
5 Fancys, for clarinet & piano, 4 hands (1974).
[Dobbs Ferry: General Music Publishing Co.]; Saint Louis: MMB
Music (X131004). Commission: David Ensemble. Première:
1975/I/4; New York, Alice Tully Hall; David Ensemble; Warren
Wilson, conductor. Duration: 8:30.
CD: Eric Thomas, clarinet; Vivian Taylor, John McDonald, piano.
Albany TROY 136 (1994, George Walker, a portrait).
LP: Carmele Galante, clarinet; Ted Baker, Frank Carliss, piano.
Orion 83461 (1983).
Folksongs, for orchestra (1990). 1. Going to
lay down my sword and shield; 2. And they crucified my Lord; 3.
My Lord, what a morning; 4. O Peter, go ring dem bells.
CD: Cleveland Chamber Symphony; Edwin London, conductor. Albany
TROY 270 (1997).
Give thanks unto the Lord, for SSA & organ (1963).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1975 (#CH863).
14p.] Text: Psalm 105. Duration: 4:50.
Gloria in memoriam, for SSA & organ (1963).
[Northampton: Smith College, New Valley Music Press, 1963.] 10p.
Text: Liturgical. Duration: 4:00. Première: March 1963/III;
Smith College Chamber Singers; Charles Fassett, conductor.
Hey nonny no, for medium voice & piano (1954).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1975 (#832).
4p.] Duration: 1:05.
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
I have no life but this, for medium voice &
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
I went to heaven, for medium voice & piano (1953).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1971 (#639).
3p.] Text: Emily Dickinson. Duration: 2:00. :
AT: Louise Parker, contralto; Dwana Holroyd, piano (1974).
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S814018). Text: Emily
Dickinson. Duration: 2:00. Première: 1958; Paris; Sylvia
McDonald, soprano; Boyd McDonald, piano.
AC: George Shirley, tenor; Christine Dahl, piano (1995/III/31;
Appleton WI, Lawrence University Chapel., Ben Holt Memorial
Concert Series).
AC: George Shirley, tenor; Wayne Sanders, piano (1976/VI/23;
Princeton, Westminster Choir School).
AT: (George Shirley, tenor; Wayne Sanders, piano) 1976. Library: Lerma.
AT: Antonia Lavanne, soprano; George Walker, piano (1968).
AT: Louise Parker, contralto; Dwana Holroyd, piano (1974,
Amherst MA).
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
Idyl, for orchestra (1957). Withdrawn.
In praise of folly, for orchestra (1980). [Dobbs
Ferry: General Music Publishing Co.] Première: 1980; New
York, Avery Fisher Hall; New York Philharmonic: Zubin Mehta,
conductor. Duration: 8:00.
AT: New York Philharmonic; Zubin Mehta, conductor (1980).
Lament, for low voice & piano (1971). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1975 (#703) 7p.]
Duration: 4:00.
------Melville: Edward B. Marks, 1977 (Anthology of art songs
by Black American composers, ed. by Willis Patterson,
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S814015). Text: Countee
AT: Ben Holt, baritone; Cliff Jackson, piano (1984; Baltimore,
Peabody Conservatory of Music, Peabody-Morgan Symposium).
LP: Willis Patterson, bass, with unidentified pianist.
University of Michigan SM-0015 (1980; Art songs by Black
American composers).
Lilacs, for voice & orchestra (1995). St. Louis: MMB Music. Première: 1996; Symphony Hall; Faye Robinson,
soprano;[2] Boston Symphony Orchestra; Seiji Ozawa, conductor.
Award: Pulitzer Prize, 1996.
CD: Faye Robinson, soprano; Arizona State University Symphony
Orchestra; Timothy Russell, conductor. Summit Records DCD 274
Lyric, for string orchestra (1941). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1975. (#841). 8p.]
Dedication: A memorial to the composer’s grandmother. Orginal
title: Lament. Duration: 5:46. Première: 1947; Washington,National Gallery of Art; National Gallery Orchestra;
Richard Bales, conductor. Originally entitled Lament,
title change requested by the publisher. Library: Center
for Black Music Research (Lerma Collection, ozalid reproduction
of holograph), Library of Congress (LC 75-765263
AT: Westfällische Sinfonieorchester; Paul Freeman, conductor.
AC: Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra; David Lewis Crosby, conductor.
AT: New York Philharmonic; Paul Freeman, conductor (1977/VIII/
CD: Chicago Sinfonietta; Paul Freeman, conductor (1995). Cedille
CDR 90000 061 (2001; African heritage series, v2).
Liner notes: Dominique-René de Lerma.
CD: Cleveland Chamber Symphony; Edwin London, conductor. Albany
TROY 270 (1997).
CD: Joyce Fissler, Gregory Walker, violins; Robert Glazer,
viola; Avron Coleman, violoncello. Orion 83461 (1983).
LP: London Symphony Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor. Columbia
M-33433 (1975) 1975.
LP: London Symphony Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor. CBS
Special Products P9-19424.
Lyrics, for SATB & piano (1958). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1971.] 1. The bereaved maid
[text: anonymous]; 2. Take, o take those lips away [text:
Shakespeare, Measure for measure, Act IV]; 3. O
western wind. Première: 1969; Boulder; University of
Colorado Chamber Singers.
AC: Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor (Carbondale
IL; 1976).
---- 1. The bereaved maid. 8p. (#CH636).
Text: anonymous. Duration: 4:30. Also set for voice & piano on
the suggestion of Nadia Boulanger.
LP: Betty Ridgeway, mezzo-soprano; Patricia Springer, piano;
Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor Silver
Crest MOR-111997 (1977).
---- 2. Take, o take those lips away. Saint
Louis: MMB Music (S944005). 7p. (#CH635).
LP: Betty Ridgeway, mezzo-soprano; Patricia Springer, piano;
Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor Silver
Crest MOR-111997 (1977).
----- 3. O western wind. 8p. (#CH634)
Text: anonymous.
Mass, for soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone, SATB & orchestra (1977). [Dobbs Ferry: General Music
Publishing Co.] 1. Kyrie; 2. Gloria; 3. Credo; 4. Sanctus; 5.
Agnus Dei. Duration: 28:26. Première: 1979/IV/13;
Lyric Theatre, Baltimore; Claudia Lindsey, soprano; Norma Hirsch,
contralto; William A. Brown, tenor; Abraham Lind-Oquindo,
baritone; Morgan State University Choir; Baltimore Symphony
Orchestra; Sergiu Comissiona, conductor. Duration: 23:00.
AT: Claudia Lindsey, soprano; Norma Hersch, contralto; William
Brown, tenor; Abraham Lind-Oquendo, baritone; Morgan State
University Choir; Sergiu Commisiona, conductor (1979/IV/13).
----- piano-vocal score. Dobbs Ferry: General Music Publishing
Co. 63p.
Music for brass, sacred and profane (1975).
[Dobbs Ferry: General Music Publishing Co.] 1.
Invokation; 2. Dance I; 3. Chorale, on Liebster Jesu wir sind
hier; 4. Dance II. Duration: 11:10. Commission: Hans
Kindler Foundation. Première: 5/I/1976; Textile Museum,
Washington; American Brass Quintet of New York.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S205001).
LP: American Brass Quintet [Chris Gekker, trumpet; David
Wakefield, horn; Michael Powell, tenor trombone; John D. Rojak,
bass trombone]. Serenus SRS-12077 (1977).
CD: American Brass Quintet [Chris Gekker, trumpet; David
Wakefield, horn; Michael Powell, tenor trombone; John D. Rojak,
bass trombone]. Albany TROY 154 (1995)..
Music for diverse instruments, for brass nonet
(1981). Instrumentation: 3321. Première: 1981/VI/15; Cross Keys,
Baltimore; Annapolis Brass Quintet: [Ann Osterle, Sharon Tiebert,
horns; Romona Galey, trumpet; August Denhard, tuba].
Music for three, for piano, violin & cello (1970).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1972. 16p. &
parts.] Première: 1970; National Gallery of Art, Washington;
University of Maryland Trio. Duration: 5:00. Library: Library of
Congress (LC 73-211744).
O Lord God of hosts, for SATB & organ (1960).
Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1975. 12p. (#CH861).
Text: Psalm 84. Duration: 4:49. Dedication: "To my
O praise the Lord, for SATB with organ reduction
(1953). [Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1975.
14p. (#CH864).] Text: Psalm 117. Duration: 2:41.
Dedication: "For my uncle J." Première: 1978/IX; Riverside
Church, New York; Riverside Church Choir; Frederic Swan,
---- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S940007).
AC: Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor
AC: Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor (Carbondale
IL; 1976).
LP: Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor.
Silver Crest MOR-111977 (1977).
Orpheus, for narrator, chamber orchestra (1994).
Instrumentation: 1111, 2210, timpani, percusssion, piano, harp,
CD: William Demsey, narrator; Eileen Moore, (Eurydice);
Cleveland Chamber Symphony; Edwin London, conductor. Albany TROY
270 (1997).
Pageant and proclamation, for orchestra.
AC: New Jersey Symphony Orchestra; Zdenek Macal, conductor.
Perimeters, for clarinet & piano (1966). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1972. 14p. & part. (#726).]
Contents: 3 movements, tempos metronomically indicated. Duration:
9:10. Commission: Leroy Johnston. Première: 1966/III/31;
Juilliard School.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (X131007). 14p. & part. (#726).
AT: Leroy Johnson, clarinet; Frances Walker, piano.
LP: Meyer Kupferman, clarinet; Kazuko Hayami, piano. Serenus
SRS-12077 (1977).
2 Pieces, organ. St. Louis: MMB Music.
3 Pieces, organ. Saint Louis: MMB Music, 1991.
1. Elevation; 2. Chorale, Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier; 3.
Invokation. Duration: 11:00.
CD: Mickey Thomas Terry, organ. Albany TROY 136 (1994,
George Walker, a portrait).
Poem, for soprano & chamber ensemble (1986).
Saint Louis: MMB Music (X081003). Text: T. S. Eliot, The
hollow men. Duration: 14:00.
CD: Capitol Chamber Artists. Centaur CRC-2071.
CD: Ian Walker, narrator; Capitol Chamber Artists; Angelo Frascarelli, conductor. Albany TROY 154 (1995, Chamber music).
Poème, for violin & orchestra (1991). 1. q = 88;
2. q = 72; 3. q = 120.
CD: Gregory Walker, violin; Cleveland Chamber Symphony; Edwin
London, conductor. Albany TROY 270 (1997).
Praise ye the Lord, for SATB & organ (1963).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1975. 9p.
(#CH865).] Text: Psalm 148. Duration: 1:45. Dedication: "For my
Prelude, piano (1941). Caprice (1945).
Duration: 3:20 (Prelude); 7:00 (Prelude and Caprice).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1975.]
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S410019).
CD: George Walker, piano. CRI CD 719 (1997, The music of
George Walker).
LP: George Walker, piano. Orion 83461 (1983).
Prelude and caprice, for piano. [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1975. 7p. (#867)]
Duration: 7:00. Dedication (prelude): "To my sister."
The prelude was originally the first of the now withdrawn
Three pieces for piano, composed in 1941 and premiered by
Jeanne Behrend; the Caprice was composed in 1945.
Quartet, strings, no. 1 (1945). Saint
Louis: MMB Music (S054003, score; X504003, parts).
Duration: 14:00. Première: 1946; Juilliard School of
Music, New York. The slow movement, from 1941, is known as
AC: Unidentified ensemble.
LP: Gregory Walker, Joyce Fissler, violins; Robert Glazer,
viola; Avron Coleman, cello. Orion 83461.
Quartet, strings, no. 2 (1967, rev. 1968).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co. 44p. &
parts.] Duration: 20:00.
CD: El Paso Festival Quartet [ Moses Posossian, Serena Canin,
violins; Misha Amoy, viola; Ian Müller-Szeraws, cello]. Summit
Records DCD 274 (2000).
Response, for medium voice & piano (1953).
Duration: 2:25. [Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co.,
1971. 3p. (#632).] Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar. Première:
1968; Bennington College; Antonia Lavanne, soprano; George
Walker, piano.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S814012).
AT: Joan Forde, mezzo-soprano; Judy May, piano.
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
Serenata, for chamber orchestra (1983). 1. q = 63;
2. q = 40; 3. q = 52. Duration: 13:00.
CD: Cleveland Chamber Symphony; Edwin London, conductor. Albany
TROY 270 (1997).
Sinfonia (1984). Première: 1984/VIII;
Berkshire Music Center; Berkshire Music Festival Orchestra.
Duration: 10:00.
Sing unto the Lord, for SATB with piano reduction
(1963). [Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co.,
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S940008). 12p. (#CH862).
Text: Psalm 96. Duration: 2:00.
AC: Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor
LP: Morgan State University Choir; Nathan Carter, conductor.
Silver Crest MOR-111977 (1977).
So we'll go no more a-roving, for medium voice &
piano (1953). [Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co.,
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S814013; #631). Text:
Lord Byron. Duration: 1:47.
AT: Joan Forde, mezzo-soprano; Judy May, piano.
AT: Louise Parker, contralto; Dwana Holroyd, piano (1974;
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
Sonata, 2 pianos (1963). 1. Adagio ma non
troppo; 2. Presto; 3. Adagio; 3. Allegretto. A version of
Sonata, piano, no. 2. Duration: 10:10.
AC: Wilfred Delphin, Edwin Romain, pianos (Fisk University
Chapel; 1982/III/12).
Sonata, piano, no. 1 (1953). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1972 (#727) 27.p.] 1.
Allegro energico; 2. Moderato; 3. Allegro con brio. Duration:
AT: Joel A. Martin, piano (1983/V/15).
AT: Natalie Hinderas, piano (1971/VI/13, Indiana University).
CD: George Walker, piano. Albany TROY 117 (1994, George
Walker in recital).
CD: George Walker, piano. CRI CD 719 (1997, The music of
George Walker).
CD: Natalie Hinderas, piano. CRI CD 629 (1992; Piano music by
African American composers). composers). Liner notes:
Dominique-René de Lerma, 19p.
LP: George Walker, piano. Serenus SRS-12077 (1977).
LP: Natalie Hinderas, piano. Desto DC-7102/3 ( ca. 1971).
----- rev. 1991.
CD: Maxine Franklin, piano (2003/VIII/03; Churchill College;
University of Cambridge).
Sonata, piano, no. 2 (1957). New York:
Galaxy Music, 1966.
----- St. Louis, MMB Music (S4 10005; #GMC 2470). 19p.
1. Allegro non troppo; 2. Presto; 3. Adagio; 4. Allegretto.
Duration: 10:00.
CD: George Walker, piano. Albany TROY 154 (1995,
Chamber music).
LP: George Walker, piano. CRI SD-270. (c1971).
Sonata, piano, no. 3 (1975). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1976. (#904). 13p.] 1.
Fantoms; 2. Bell; 3. Chorale and fughetta. Duration:
LP: Leon Bates, piano. Orion ORS-76237 (1976).
Sonata, piano, no. 4 (1984). Saint Louis: MMB
Music (S411002).
AC: Frederick Moyer, piano. GM Recordings 2016T.
CD: Frederick Moyer, piano. GM Recordings GMR 2016 CD.
Sonata,viola & piano. Duration: 13:00.
Sonata, violin & piano, no. 1 (1959).
[New York: Associated Music Publishers, 1970. 20p. & part. (#AMP-6918-18)]
In 1 movement. Duration: 10:00.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S511003).
AT: Darwyn Apple, violin; Seth Corwyn, piano.
CD: Gregory Walker, violin; George Walker, piano. Albany TROY
154 (Chamber music).
CD: Gregory Walker, violin; George Walker, piano. CRI CD 719
(1997, The music of George Walker).
Sonata, violin & piano, no. 2 (1979).
[Dobbs Ferry: General Music Publishing Co., 1979. 23p. & part.]
Duration: 13:16.
CD: Gregory Walker, violin; George Walker, piano. Summit Records DCD 274 (2000).
LP: Gino Raffaeli, violin; Lois Roya, piano. Orion 83461 (1983).
Sonata, violoncello & piano (1957). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1972. 30p. & part. (#731).] 1.
Allegro appassionato; 2. Sostenuto; 3. Allegro. Duration:
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S531002).
CD: Italo Babini, cello; George Walker, piano. Albany TROY 154
(1995, Chamber music).
LP: Italo Babini, cello; George Walker, piano. Serenus
Songs, for medium voice & piano (1982). [New
York: Peer-Southern.] 1. Nocturne [text: Donald J.
Hayes]; 2. Wild nights [text: Emily Dickinson]; 3.
What if I say I shall not wait [text: Emily
Dickinson]; 4. I have no life but this [text: Emily
Dickinson]; 5. Bequest [text: Emily Dickinson].
Première: 1982/III/12; Nashville; Fisk University Chapel; Devonna Barnes Rowe, soprano; McCoy Ramsom, piano.
AC: Devonna Barnes Rowe, soprano; McCoy Ramsom, piano (1982/III/12;
Fisk University Chapel)
----- 3. What if I say I shall not wait.
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
---- 4. I have no life but this.
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
---- 5. Bequest.
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
Spatials, for piano (1961). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1972. 7p. (#652) Contains 6
variations.] Duration: 3:30.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S410017).
AC: Unidentified pianist.
CD: George Walker, piano. CRI CD-670 (1994, The
composer-performer; a compact disc retrospective)..
LP: Felipe Hall, piano. Da Camera Magna SM-93244 (1975).
Duration: 4:14.
LP: George Walker, piano. CRI SD-270 (ca. 1971).
LP: George Walker, piano. Orion ORS 83461 (1983).
Spektra, for piano (1971). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1972.]
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S4100018). 12p. (#662)
Duration: 4:25.
AC: Unidentified pianist.
CD: George Walker, piano. CRI CD 719 (1997, The music of
George Walker).
LP: George Walker, piano). CRI SD-270 (c1971).
Spires, for organ (1998).
AC: Mickey Thomas Terry, organ.
Spirituals, for orchestra (1974). 46p. 1. Down
by the riverside; 2. He never said a mumbalin' word; 3. My Lord,
what a morning; 4. O Peter, go ring dem bells.
Duration: 8:30. Instrumentation: 2222 p, 2221, timp, perc,
harp, piano, strings. Dedication: "For Gregory and Ian."
Première: 1974/IX/07; Houston; Houston Symphony Orchestra; Paul
Freeman, conductor.
AC: Houston Symphony Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor (1974/IX/07).
Spirituals, for medium voice & piano (1975).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1975.] 1.
Ev'ry time I feel de spirit. 5p. (#821); 2. I got a
letter from Jesus. 3p. (#832); 3. Mary wore three links
of chain. 5p. (#830).
Stars, for SATB with piano reduction (1953).
[New York: Associated Music Publishers, 1968. 6p. (#A-596-5).]
Text: Susan D. Kenney. Duration: 4:00. Dedication: "For my
sister." Première: 1969/V; Boulder; University of
Colorado; University Singers; Charles A. Byers, conductor.
Sweet, let me go, for medium voice & piano (1954).
[Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co., 1971. 3p. (#633).]
Text: anonymous. Duration: 1:45.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music (S814009).
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
Symphony (1961). [Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music
Publishing Co. 109p.] 1. Adagio; 2. Allegro assai; 3.
Adagio; 4. Risoluto. Duration: 18:00. Instrumentation: 2222
p Eh bcl cbsn, 4431, timp, perc, harp, strings. Première: ca.
1969; Boulder; University of Colorado Symphony Orchestra; H.
Chavez, conductor.
Tangents, for chamber orchestra (1999). St. Louis: MBM Music.
CD: ProMusica Chamber Orchestra of Columbus, Ohio; Timothy
Russell, conductor. Summit Records DCD 274 (2000).
The bereaved maid, for medium voice & piano
(1953). [Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music, 1971. 5p. (S81400;#629).]
Text: Anonymous. Duration: 4:05. Première: 1958;
Paris; Sylvia McDonald, soprano; Boyd McDonald, piano.
Adapted from Lyrics, no. 1, on the suggestion of Nadia Boulanger.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music.
AT: Antonia Lavanne, soprano; George Walker, piano (1968).
AT: Joan Forde, soprano; Judy May, piano.
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983)
Variations, orchestra (1971). [Hastings-on-Hudson:
General Music Publishing Co., 1972. 77p.] Contains 8
variations. Instrumentation: 2222 cbn, 4231, timp, perc,
harp, piano, strings. Duration: 14:00.
CD: New Philharmonia Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor. Albany
TROY 136 (1994, George Walker, a portrait).
CD: New Philharmonia Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor. Mastersound DFCD1-015 (Orchestral showpieces from around the
LP: New Philharmonia Orchestra; Paul Freeman, conductor. Serenus
SRS-12077 (1977).
Variations on a Kentucky folksong, for piano
(1953). Duration: 5:05.
CD: George Walker, piano. CRI CD 719 (1997, The music of
George Walker).
LP: George Walker, piano. Orion 83461..
Wind set, for woodwind quintet (1999). St. Louis: MMB Music.
CD:. Peggy Schecter, flute; Richard Foley, oboe; William Shadel,
clarinet; Jerome Ashby, horn; Leonard Hindell, bassoon. Summit
Records DCD 274 (2000).
With rue my heart is laden, for medium voice &
piano (1953). [Hastings-on-Hudson: General Music Publishing Co.,
1972. (S819010).] Text: Alfred Edward Housman. Duration: 2:45.
----- Saint Louis: MMB Music
CD: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI CD
719 (1997, The music of George Walker).
LP: Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; George Walker, piano. CRI
SD-488 (1983).
18 Bibliography
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“?” in Overtones [Curtis Institute of Music] (1995/II).
“Classical roots in Louisville” in Symphonium, v2n2
(1990/spring-summer) p4.
“George Walker wins Pulitzer Prize” in Peabody news,
(1996/V-VI) p3.
“George Walker” in Musical America, v72 (1952/1/I) p18.
“George Walker” in Musical America, v80 (1960/IV) p32.
“George Walker” in Musical courier, v146 (1952/XI/01)
“Hailstork, Walker, and Cordero in a Black composers concert” in
New York Times (1977/IV/03).
Abdul-Rahim, Raoul. “George Walker’s new piece” in Blacks in
classical music; A personal history. New York: Dodd,
Mead, 1977, p40-42 [Dialogus].
Ahrens, Thomas Joseph. The piano sonatas of George
Walker. Bloomington IN: n.p., 1973. 37p.
Amerigrove 1986
ASOL 1992
Baker, David Nathaniel, Jr. The Black composer speaks, by
David Baker, Lida Belt, and Herman Hudson. Metuchen: 1978.
Bakers 1992
Banfield, William C. Landscapes in color; Conversations
with Black American composers. Landham MD.: Scarecrow
Press, 2003. xvi, 380p. ISBN 0-8108-3706-4.
Baruch, David J. “George Walker” in Musical America, v80
(1960/IV) p32.
Berry, Lemuel, Jr. Biographical dictionary of Black musicians
and music educators, vol. 1. Guthrie OK: Educational
Book Publishers, 1978.
Black music research journal 1980, p81, 91;
1981-1982, p96, 126, 145; 1983, p51; v10n1, p100, 101
Black perspective in music, v1n1, p97, 98, 99, 101, 102;
v3n1, p123; v3n3, p332, 347; v4n1, p108, 124; v4n3, p340, 350;
v5n1, p120, 121; v5n2, p237, 238, 240, 242; v6n1, p63, 110;
v7n2, p265, 266; v9n1, p109; v9n2, p125, 233; v10n1, p96; v11n2,
p220, 232, 233; v13n1, p127; v14n1, p32, 57, 59, 72, 79, 81, 82,
83; v17, p199
Black sacred music, v4n2, p74.
Brooks, Tilford. America’s Black musical heritage. Englewood
Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1984.
Bull, Storm. Index to biographies of contemporary composers,
vol. 3. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1987. xxiv, 854p. ISBN
Bull, Storm. Index to biographies of contemporary composers,
vol. 3. Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1987. xxiv, 854p. ISBN
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Carter, Madison H. An annotated catalogue of composers of
African ancestry. New York: Vantage Press, 1986.
CBMR digest v2n2, p8
Center for Black Music Research. Digest, v2n2, p8
Clague, Mark. “George Walker wins Pulitzer Prize: a triumph
eighty years in the making” in CBMR digest, v9n2 (1996/fall)
Clague, Mark. “Walker, George Theophilus, Jr.” in
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A. Floyd, Jr. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999, v2,1169-1178/
Dawson, Jack. “Work by Rutgers composer to premiere at brass
festival here” in Sun [Baltimore] (1981/VI/14) pD3. [Music
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Delphin, Wilfred J. A comparative analysis of two sonatas by
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Graduate paper (D.M.A., performance) University of Southern
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Ennett, Dorothy Maxine. An analysis and comparison of
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Greene, Frank. Composers on record; an index to
biographical informatrion on 14,000 composers whose music has
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Hampton, Edwin Kevin. George Walker. Composer,
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Horne, Aaron. String music by Black American composers.
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Baltimore Afro-American, v87n74 (1979/IV/28) p25, 27.
Lerma, Dominique-René de. Black music in our culture;
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Kent: Kent State University Press, 1970., p180
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Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1996. viii, 126p. ISBN 0-8108-3037-X.
First edition issued by Scarecrow in 1981:
Who's who classical 1983, 1985
Who's Who colored 1950
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