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Blanke, John
Bridgetower, George A. P.
Chapman Nyaho, William H.
DePreist, James
Dworkin, Aaron Paul
Freeman, Paul
Johnson, Francis
Machado, Celso
Ngwenyama, Nokuthula
Wiggins, Thomas "Blind Tom"
Yifrashewa, Girma
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Melissa White, 2001 1st place Jr. Division Laureate of the
Sphinx Competition, performs as guest artist with the Sphinx
Symphony, led by guest conductor Kay George Roberts

Aaron Dworkin & Afa Sadykhly on electric violin
Ethnovibe Records

Ebony Rhythm
Aaron Dworkin, electric violin
Records |
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Musicians -> Dworkin, Aaron Paul

Aaron P. Dworkin, Founder and President, Sphinx
(Photo: Kevin Kennedy)

Symphony of the Sphinx
Sphinx Symphony Orchestra
Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson
Leslie B. Dunner, Conductor
Visionary 103
First Movement

Trevor Ochieng, 2004 1st place
Jr. Division Laureate of the Sphinx Competition with
Aaron Dworkin |
1 Birth |
Dworkin was born on September 11,
1970 in Monticello, New York and moved to New York City
two weeks later. "As a biracial kid growing up as a
black man in America, adopted when I was two weeks old
by white parents, I am, at my spiritual, emotional,
intellectual and biological core, the embodiment of
diversity. As a musician and a writer, I have
experienced the power that the arts possess to bridge
racial and cultural divides and touch a mosaic of people
from differing backgrounds and communities." Excerpt
from Aaron P. Dworkin's Web site,
Dick Gordon interviewed
Aaron Dworkin in detail on the American Public Media
radio program The Story Feb. 16, 2007. The
50-minute segment includes excerpts of classical works
of William Grant Still, Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson,
Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz
Joseph Haydn:
http://thestory.org/archive/the_story_188_Music_for_All.mp3/mediafile_view |
2 Violinist |
Aaron began playing the violin at
age five. When he was 10, the family moved to
Hershey, Pennsylvania, which had only one Black family.
Racism made life difficult for him there. He graduated from the Interlochen Arts Academy
in Michigan, and received his Bachelors of Music and
Masters of Music in Violin Performance from the
University of Michigan. He plays both acoustic and
electric violin, and has recorded two CDs, Ebony Rhythm
and Bar-Talk. Both are on the Ethnovibe label.
3 Good
for the Mind
The Ann Arbor News published a
feature article on Dworkin, Sept. 20, 2005, in which he
said classical music can be good for the mind and the
"So many times they feel frustrated.
You can act out an expression on an instrument and
through music in a way that ends up being beautiful.
Anger and frustration on an instrument can be
beautiful," Dworkin said. |
4 Sphinx Organization |
When he studied violin performance at
the University of Michigan, Aaron Dworkin was often the only
African American in a class or even in a concert
audience. Only 1.5% of orchestra members in the
U.S. are people of color, the Ann Arbor News
article says. In 1996 Dworkin founded The Sphinx Organization, a
national non-profit group which holds an annual
competition for Black and Latino string players. Its Web
site, www.sphinxmusic.org,
explains the group's mission:
Aaron founded Sphinx to help
change this
situation, to overcome the cultural stereotype
of classical music, and to address the isolation
and limited access that young Blacks and
Latinos face in the classical music world. |
The Ann Arbor News discussed Dworkin's
accomplishments with Stephen Shipps, a former professor
of his at the University of Michigan. In the
article on Sept. 20, 2005 the paper wrote:
Shipps said Dworkin inspires people,
especially young people. "He's changing the face of
classical music," Shipps said. |
5 SphinxKids.org
The Sphinx Organization
operates an interactive Website for young
www.SphinxKids.org It includes the following
explanation of the
Sphinx Kids is an
extension of the Sphinx
Organization's Classical Connections program, which
brings classical music into underserved schools
nationwide. The creation of the site was sponsored by an
SBC Excelerator Grant. Sphinx Kids contains interactive
games and videos from the Sphinx Classical Connections
CD-Rom as well as from the New York
Philharmonic's KidZone website. Special thanks go to the
New York Philharmonic and their Educational Department
for sharing their technology! |
6 Sphinx Orchestra |
The Sphinx Organization has major
corporate sponsors, as well as the support of
universities and numerous American symphony orchestras. Its annual competition concerts are held in Ann Arbor
and Detroit, in junior and senior divisions. The 2002
Finals Concert is available on a CD, Visionary Records
103 (2002),
Among the works
is Symphony of the Sphinx (19:03) by the African
American composer Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson. The 2001
Finals Concert has been released on Visionary Records
VIS 102 (2001). The Sphinx Chamber Orchestra gave
a sold-out concert at Carnegie Hall, writes Anthony
Tommasini in The New York Times, Oct. 27, 2006:
concert at Carnegie Hall on Tuesday evening offered
typical fare: a string chamber orchestra playing works
by Mozart, Villa-Lobos and others. But the audience, far
from the typical classical music crowd, was
overwhelmingly black and Latino, and most were children.
Onstage as well, all the players were young black and
Latino musicians. It was a sight you rarely encounter at
Carnegie Hall.
In addition, Sphinx runs a successful competition for
string players, also supported by JPMorgan Chase. Every
member of the 20-piece Sphinx Chamber Orchestra that
performed on this occasion, as well as each impressive
soloist, was a past or current prizewinner. |
7 Governors Award |
Violinist Aaron P. Dworkin is Founder
& President of The Sphinx Organization. He and the group
have been awarded one of eight 2005 National Governors
Awards, for Distinguished Service to State Government,
in the category of Artistic Production. Each year Sphinx
programs introduce 20,000 Black and Latino students in
100 urban schools to classical music and the classical
music profession. |
8 MacArthur Fellow
The MacArthur Fellows Program Award
Announcement for Aaron P. Dworkin, from the MacArthur Foundation
Web site, www.macfound.org
Music Educator
Founder and President
The Sphinx Organization
Detroit, Michigan
Age: 35
Aaron Dworkin is a talented violinist, charismatic arts
educator, and the Founder and President of the Detroit-based
Sphinx Organization. He and his organization have expanded
access for increased numbers of minorities to careers in
classical music around the country. Through his efforts, he has
transformed the lives of many African-American and Latino
musicians and changed the landscape of classical music in
America. As minorities currently comprise only 1.5 percent of
professional symphony players in the United States, Sphinx set a
course to attract young men and women to classical music,
countering their perception that such careers face
insurmountable barriers and providing them with rigorous
training, affordable instruments, and performance opportunities.
The results have been to turn out fresh new talent second to
none and to fill a void recognized by all. Determined to reverse
the isolation of whole populations of young musicians from the
beauty, value, and meaning of classical music, Dworkin began by
organizing an annual national competition for minority string
players. His programs grew rapidly to encompass an orchestra
entirely composed of African-American and Latino musicians; a
summer training program for underprivileged string players;
music education outreach programs in Detroit public schools; an
instrument fund for players unable to afford them; and a
scholarship fund for deserving musicians who otherwise could not
go on for advanced training. Through his programs and nurturing
support, Dworkin assures access and enriches symphonies across
the country.
Aaron Dworkin received a B.M. (1997) and an M.M. (1998) from the
University of Michigan. In 1996, Dworkin founded The Sphinx
Organization, for which he now serves as president. A frequent
speaker on youth and minority involvement and career development
in classical music, he also serves as an advisor for several
education and music organizations, including the University
Musical Society and the Rachel Elizabeth Barton Foundation.
[End of MacArthur Foundation announcement]
Second Fiddle to None: Detroit leader encourages black and Hispanic youths to become
top-notch classical musicians is the title of an article by
Nicole Lewis in
The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Oct. 27, 2005. Here is an
seeks to increase the pool of
professional black and
Latino string players by providing training, scholarships, high-quality instruments, and
opportunities to perform as soloists with the country's
top orchestras. In addition, the group aims to expand
minority audiences for classical music through
music-education programs in
schools, as well as to
introduce more works by black and Latino composers to
audiences in general.
Dworkin says he chose to focus on
blacks and Hispanics
because those two
groups combined represent less than 4
percent of professional orchestra members, even though
they make up 25 percent of America's population. The
group's name stands for several things, including the
high level of excellence achieved by civilization and
the ancient origin of many minority groups, he says. |
This page was last updated
March 5, 2022